Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hydrotherma Naturals

I have been hearing all about Hydrotherma Naturals as a good product to use for your hair since it helps to take the guess work out of you hair care. I bought the SLS Free Complete Collection Set all of them in large sizes. This set contains the following:

  1. SLS Moisture Plus Hair Cleanser 12fl oz.
  2. Moisture Boosting Deep Conditioner Treatment 8fl oz.
  3. Amino Plus, Protein Deep Conditioner Treatment 8fl oz.
  4. Protein Balance Leave- in Conditioning Treatment 8 fl. oz
  5. Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion 8 fl. oz
  6. Daily Moisturizing Growth Oil 8 fl oz.
  7. Follicle Mist 8 oz
  8. Herbal Gloss Heat Protector 4 fl oz.

Trust me this pack is stacked full of products to take the guess work out of hair products. You receive a detailed letter letting you know about every step of the product usage.

Initial Reactions
I was very excited to receive this product after hearing so much about it from various natural hair you tubers and bloggers. It was a bit pricey but due to some of the good reviews I heard I am hoping that it is worth it.

$131.99+ Shipping+ Tax + Customs

All of the products smelled divine and yummy.

2 months

  • Tells you what to do by taking the guess work out of hair products
  • Very detailed instructions
  • Awesome scent
  • Maintained my hair well
  • The conditioners provided a lot of softness to my hair

  • Too costly
  • Too many instructions. There were too many steps in the daily routine for my liking
  • While it maintained my hair it didn't seem to help with hair growth (maybe it was just the phase I was in)
  • My hair became dryer sooner throughout the day until it was basically hard


 Left my hair and scalp clean. I think it was a little too clean because it felt stripped and squeaky clean. I do not like the squeaky clean hair strand feeling.

Conditioning Treatments
The conditioners were alright  and smelled divine. They made my hair instantly soft and my hair was very shiny after.
Sounds great right. The problem is it only lasted for 1 hour tops even when putting in the leave in products (daily moisturizing growth lotion, daily moisturizing oil & follicle mist). Yes people 1 hour before my hair began to shrivel and become hard. To try and remedy this and create extra slippage I often has to use Tresemme Smooth and Silky Conditioner or Alikay Naturals Caribbean Coconut to solve this problem

Leave in's
The leave in's were:

  1. Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion
  2. Daily Moisturizing Growth Oil 
  3. Follicle Mist
 Once again the smells were lovely and left my hair smelling great but I have to use too much of these products to get my desired results when styling. Also I did not use a lot of the follicle mist but I started to get build up like crazy.

Herbal Gloss Heat Protector
Surprisingly light and airy. I love love love this product. I was pleasantly surprised. You can check out my post on Blow Drying my hair using this product.

Overall Product View
While I am sure this is a fabulous product for some it did not work well with my hair.  The back of my hair has a very loose curl and the rest of my hair has very tight tight coils. So this product was fine for the back there but the front of my hair and middle was always hard and tangled more then normal even if left in twists.

While my hair didn't detiorate it didn't look as shiny and healthy as before. Also I did not see a significant amount of hair growth while using this product. I used it for 2 months instead of 1 month hoping to find something in this product collection that was good or that made my hair feel amazing. Curlies lets face it for the price of this set I don't expect fireworks but I do expect some damn sparks and I find that it didn't even give me that.

Bottom line fellow curlies I wouldn't buy it again.

Has anyone else tried this product? What was your take on it?

12/12/2012- Product update

 Tried the shampoo and the oil on a transitioning friends hair. I thought that maybe it would work better on her hair since she had only just started growing out her hair and most of her hair was still permed.

She loved the smell of both products and she left feeling good. Two weeks later she comes back for me to do her hair and she brings her own products (*hint hint*) and she says that @#*% (use imagination here) that you used it my hair was awful. That oil just dried out my hair and made it brittle.

So here you have it people... After one use she flung it in the garbage...

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